Hi all - I've been experimenting with shadowing and having great fun. As a 'heads up' the only web site that I can find that does anything useful with regards to TTS with usables 'voices' and free wav file downloads is here - https://fakeyou.com/
I've been using Blaze the Cat 'voice' for my Pleos - sounds like a cheeky young girl-cat..... you still have to 'convert' the files in software (MySkit works perfectly and it's free) to the right format but it's easy and almost instant.
No - pleo doesn't always behave and say what you expect - but it's great fun every now and again to hear "I'm bored!" or "My name is Pleo!" I've been making lots of progress just recently and having lots of fun with my 2 Pleo's (no names yet). I'm going to upload a few zip files - given the Moderators OK that is of course.
The first one is a MS Excel file which kind of tabulates where I'm up to and what you're looking for. I have prepared two lots of .urf sound files. Only put one set at a time on your SD card. The named 'urf's are the ones where Pleo will speak the phrases in the right hand column. For example he or she will say "I'm hungry!" or "I'm really sad" etc. The other set, defined by numbers, correlate to sound files where Pleo will do one of two things - speak the number of the sound file. This may sound a little crazy, but it let's you know what sound he would have been making at that time. The idea is for you to take a note of his circumstances and devise an appropriate thing for him to be saying. My notes are in the middle column somewhere. To the left of that are asterisks - this is how many times my Pleo 'spoke' the file name. In some circumstances I've included him saying the 'mood' if it is known ... like "Sad 4096" etc. This will help you. You can then create your own sound file to match the mood and circumstances - like I have with some - like "I'm really sad" instead of "Sad 4096". Simply rename your file 4096.urf with your version and he will say that... simple. OK this is getting long - I'm only working on the back of other Pleo fans on the "Bob the Pleo" Forum who did the groundwork with sound shadowing and discovering the file names and the first Excel file - I'm simply expanding on their work. Ask any questions but if you look up the thread here http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php/topic,380.msg68024/topicseen.html#new most things will be answered..... yay!
OK Laila I've tried a couple of times to upload the zip sounds files - one just under 5Mb and 1 less than 500K - but no luck - any advice? In the meantime anyone who wants them might have to wait til the Moderator at Bob the Pleo approves the upload there.... 😁
It will soon be listed here ... I'll update if not...
OK for now I've hosted them myself - try this http://www.revmaplus.co.uk/FilesToDownload/Named_usf_files.zip
and this http://www.revmaplus.co.uk/FilesToDownload/Number_only.zip